Hotel Suppliers
The Industry’s Best Preferred Hotel Program
Gain access to more than 25,000 front line travel advisors and award-winning marketing opportunities.
What is the TSA Hotel Program?
The TSA Hotel Program is part of the American Marketing Group (AMG). AMG is the parent company of more than 13 travel companies, which use the TSA Hotel Program. These companies service 3,000 independently owned travel agency locations in more than 35 countries. The buying power of our network’s $20 billion in annual travel sales enables our agencies to provide their clients with travel experiences around the world at the best value.
Why You Should Join the TSA Hotel Program
- With more than 50 years of proven success in both business and leisure travel sales, TSA Hotel Program members book more than 20 million room nights worth $3.7 billion in annual revenue.
- Business Analysts continuously promote the importance of the TSA Hotel Program to more than 25,000 front line travel advisors.
- Your hotel will be available to our member agencies to book via all GDSs, and through the online booking tool, tripXpress, to reach travel advisors.
TSA Hotel Program agencies, with a booking mix of 68% discretionary and 32% corporate negotiated, have individual reported ARC sales that range from $7.3 million to more than $429 million. TRAVELSAVERS agencies far exceed the industry average of $2.2 million per agency. - The TSA Hotel Program collects hotel groups and meetings details on the hotel RFP to provide to Acclaim Meetings, an AMG company that provides travel agencies with meeting planning services.
- tripXpress is an online booking tool that’s available to all agency members for both corporate and leisure travel. tripXpress displays the TSA Hotel Program rate codes as preferred rates. tripXpress has become a crucial booking tool, especially for our home-based NEST (Network of Entrepreneurs Selling Travel) advisors.
- The TSA Hotel Program offers comprehensive, award-winning hotel marketing opportunities, for both hotel chain and property level distribution to our global network of agencies.
Includes Agencies From:

Global Distribution Systems (GDSs)
Bookable in all four GDSs: Amadeus, Travelport+, Sabre and Travelport Worldspan.
- Online booking tool for corporate and leisure travel that includes the TSA Hotel Program.
- This web-based booking tool allows our TRAVELSAVERS and NEST home-based advisors to book your hotel.
- This tool is also available to all front-line advisors.
Agent Extranet Hotel Program Directory (For Advisor Use Only)
- A hotel search tool for advisors.
- Provides general information including hotel amenities, commission, GDS property codes, and more.
- Forté Global Business Travel Solutions, an AMG company, offers corporate services and is an authorized Concur reseller.
- As a Concur reseller, Forté’s agency members have access to the TSA Hotel Program rates, along with the agency’s corporate negotiated rates.
Groups & Meetings Program Database
- The TSA Hotel Program provides the GBTA RFP fields we capture for your hotel’s groups, meetings and convention information into a database for Acclaim Meetings. Acclaim Meetings delivers complete meeting planning services.
- Groups and meetings information is also shared with TRAVELSAVERS member agencies to access when completing RFPs for their clients.
Ready to get started?
Please contact us if you are a hotelier or supplier interested in joining or learning more about the TSA Hotel Program.